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Products I Love

*Note: All of the products on this list are products that I truly use (or have used) and genuinely love! That being said, this post may contain affiliate links through which I may earn a small commission, at no additional cost to you, if you choose to purchase something using one of the links.

Thank you so much for your support!! :)

Zyia Activewear

Prices Vary

I recently purchased several different items and they are all amazing! Not only is the quality fantastic, but they have a ton of different styles and I love that they market to all different body types. It's not just women's clothing either,  I will also be posting a more detailed review of the specific items I have purchased in my blog, so stay tuned for that! 

Gaiam Yoga

$ Prices vary

Gaiam is my absolute FAVORITE brand for all my yoga needs! From mats, to blocks, to apparel and accessories, they have everything you could possibly want for your practice! All of their products are amazing quality and super cute! You can't go wrong!

YogaClub Box


*Normally $79 but using my link will get you a $10 discount :)

For those of you that don't know how it works, you take a quick style quiz when you sign up, and a stylist matches you with a 3-piece outfit based on your answers. Then it gets delivered right to your door! Plus everything you get is high-quality, name brand clothing which would normally cost much more at retail value. My outfit is super cute and fits perfectly, but if you get anything you don't like you can send it right back for something else! Check out my blog post for a full review of the outfit I got! :) 

IT FITS Protein Bars


For the most part, I try to make my own food whenever possible, to avoid hidden processed sugars and additives, and frankly to save money. That being said, there are times that I need the convenience of grabbing a quick protein bar and running out the door. I recently discovered IT FITS Bars at my gym and I LOVE them! They're available for purchase online, in a few local spots if you are a Southeast Michigander, like me, and a couple spots in California too!

Whole3o Cookbook


If you read my About Me section, you will know that I did the Whole30 in 2018 as a way to reset and detox my body after having several infections and antibiotic treatments. It really helped me get my digestive and immune system back in order and its also a great way to determine if you have any food sensitivities. This cookbook has 150 great recipes to choose from! Available on Amazon or at most local bookstores.

Whole30 Guide Book


If you are new to the Whole30, this guide book will tell you everything you need to know! It outlines all the guidelines to follow and the fundamentals of the program. Basically, any question you might have will be answered here. It also includes a few recipes and grocery lists to help you along the way! Available on Amazon or at most local bookstores. 

Whole30 Fast&Easy


While the original Whole30 cookbook has tons of great recipes to offer, some are a bit more involved than others. For the days you'd prefer to cook with a little less effort and a little more simplicity, this cookbook offers another 150 delicious recipes to try out! Available on Amazon or at most local bookstores.

Fabletics Leggings

2 for $24

*When you sign up for VIP membership

I absolutely LOVE Fabletics clothes. I especially love their leggings and this is such a great deal! All you have to do is sign up to become a VIP member and you will be eligible for so many awesome discounts like this one! All the clothes are great quality, super comfy, and SUPER cute! Plus, when you sign up to be a VIP member you take a style quiz and every month you will get an email updating you on the new outfits they come out with that fit your style.  The nice thing is, if you don't want to buy anything in any given month, all you have to do is go to your account and select "skip this month" and then wait for next month's new outfits! It's awesome!

Doodle's SUGARBUSH Maple Syurp

$6 and up

As a Michigan native, I love buying local products and Doodle's SUGARBUSH Pure Michigan Maple Syrup is definitely a favorite of mine! Founded in 1998, they only produce the finest 100% pure maple syrup, and it certainly shows in the taste. In addition to maple syrup, they also sell products such as maple candies, sugar, seasoning and spices, and more. Take a peek at their website to see what other awesome products they offer!

Collagen Peptides - Unflavored 


I love Vital Proteins collagen powder! It's virtually odorless and flavorless, and perfect to mix into coffee, juice, smoothies, or even just water! I have seen benefits in my hair, skin, nails, and joints, and it's also believed to be great for supporting bone density, digestive/gut heath, immune function, and heart heath! Also available on Amazon and in certain stores and vitamin shops!

L-Glutamine Powder


I used L-Glutamine powder to help heal my intestinal lining and promote gut health, and I continue using it to support my digestion and immunity! Available on Amazon or at your local Vitamin Shoppe

Coconut Oil Cooking Spray


If you find yourself in need of cooking spray but are avoiding Soy, this is a good brand to try out!

Taos Bakes Energy Bars


I first came across these bars at a local coffee shop and they are AMAZING! They looked so good that I wanted to try all the flavors so I ended up spending about $20 on 6 bars. Well worth the money, but definitely more financially savvy to invest in the box of 12! You can order them on Amazon or directly from their website. If you want to just try one first, amazon sells them individually, and their website does offer a store locator feature if you want to try to find them near you!

Felix Gray Blue Light Filtering Glasses


These may not be food or fitness related but I would definitely classify them as wellness related! I absolutely love these glasses. As someone who spends a lot of time staring at my phone and computer for both business and personal use, I was getting frequent headaches, eye strain, and having trouble falling asleep. I found that these glasses made a HUGE improvement to those issues. So much so, that I ended up buying my boyfriend a pair too! The other cool thing is that you can order them in prescription or non-prescription! I know $95 is a bit on the pricier side, but to me they are well worth it. If however, you'd prefer something a little less expensive, Amazon does sell a cheaper version here. I have not tried this brand personally, however they have 4.6 stars with over 5,000 reviews so they must work pretty well!